
Manufacturing:         Victoria

- Dandenong

- Fishermens Bend

- GMA/GMH City Road, Melbourne

- HMBB Therry St, William St, Ferrars St, Little Collins St, Melbourne

New South Wales

- HMBB Rushcutters Bay, Dowling St, William St, Sydney

- GMA/GMH Marrickville

- GMH Pagewood


- Brisbane Plants

- HMBB Anderson St, Fortitude Valley

- GMA/GMH Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley


Acacia Ridge

- Allison Engine Overhaul plant, Breakfast Creek

South Australia

- Woodville

- 1. Property Acquisition history, Land Titles

- 2. Building and Expansion programs

- 3.Toolroom

- 4. Production

- Elizabeth

- A short history

- 1963 Royal Tour

- Birkenhead

- Beverley

- The King William St area factories:

- King William Street.

- Halifax Street, Gilles Street, Symonds Place

- Cnr Gilbert Street  and Vinrace Road

- HMBB Land Titles around the King William St City Block.

- Finsbury Plant????

Western Australia

- Perth

- AG Gibb's corrrespondence re new plant 1963

 Expansion Program Proposals:  

1951 Aug 30Analysis of Volumes Outlook 1950-60 PDF
1951 Sep 07Transport cost study rulesPDF
1951 SepMarket Survey request PDF
1951 SepExpansion Program Study No 1 PDF
1951 SepExpansion  Program Study No 2 PDF
1951 SepExpansion  Program Study No 3 PDF
1951 SepExpansion  Program Study No 4 PDF
1952 Jan 04Expansion Studies requestPDF
1952 Jan 04Forward Volume Studies rules PDF
1952 Feb 15Stamping Plant Location studies PDF